An expert seminar “EASTER IN ITALIAN STYLE”
An expert seminar “Easter in Italian Style” was organized in Zagreb on February 27, 2019 by Richemont Club Croatia and TIM ZIP company, with outstanding support of the Richemont Club Italy and its masters of bakery and pastry. The Club’s Vice President, Mr. Fabrizio Zucchi together with the Club’s Secretary, Mr. Matteo Cunsolo presented to the participants the traditional Italian Easter products such as Colomba Pasquale, Pastiera Napoletana, Torta delle Rose and Torta Pasqualina. Thirty-five participants from Croatia and Serbia attended the seminar and carefully followed the production. The program was also completed with a lecture on the topic “Application of the by-products of the food industry technologies in the development of bakery products for patients with celiac disease and diabetes” in the performance of Bojana Voučko, winner of the Ivan Bulić Annual award for best doctoral thesis.
The expert event has achieved exceptional high-quality cooperation, and the performance and taste of the presented products met the highest expectations of the participants.